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MMCX (micro-miniature coaxial) connectors are coaxial RF connectors similar to MCX but smaller. They conform to the European CECC 22 000 specification. The connectors have a lock-snap mechanism allowing 360-degree rotation and usually have a 50 Ω impedance. They offer broadband capability from DC to 6 GHz.[1]

MMCX connectors are most commonly seen on Wi-Fi PCMCIA cards as antennaconnectors or as connectors for external GPS antennas on small devices like PDAs or GPS receivers. They were developed in the 1990s.



Electrical Data Detail
Impedance 50 ohms
Frequency range 0 to 6GHz
Working Voltage 170 Vrms max.
Dielectric withstanding voltage 500 Volts rms min.
  • Straight connector :1.30 max.
  • R/A connector: 1.5 max.


Mechanical Data Detail
Engagement force 3.4 lbs max.
Disengagement force 1.4 lbs~3.4 lbs
Mating Lock-Snap coupling
Connector durablity 500 matings
Cable retention force
  • RG178=7.3 lbs min.
  • RG174=9.7 lbs min.
  • RG316=12.1 lbs min.


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