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SMA (SubMiniature version A) connectors are semi-precision coaxial RF connectors developed in the 1960s as a minimal connector interface for coaxial cable with a screw type coupling mechanism. The connector has a 50 Ω impedance. It is designed for use from DC to 18 GHz.

RP-SMA or RSMA (Reverse polarity SMA) is a variation of the SMA connector specification which reverses the gender of the interface, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The term "reverse polarity" here refers only to the gender of the connector's contact pin, not in any way to the signal polarity. The female RP-SMA connector has the same external housing as a standard or conventional female SMA connector, which consists of an outer shell with the threads on the outside; however, the center receptacle is replaced by a male pin. Similarly, the RP-SMA male has threads on the inside like a conventional male, but has a center receptacle instead of the male pin in the middle.[7][8] Normal SMA connectors are incompatible with RP-SMA connectors



Electrical Data Detail
Impedance 50 ohms
Frequency range 0 to 12.4GHz
Working Voltage
  • RG178=170Vrms at sea level max.
  • RG58=335 Vrms at sea level max.
  • RG174,316=250Vrms at sea level max.
Dielectric withstanding voltage
  • RG178=500 Volts rms min.
  • RG174,316=750 Volts rms min.
  • RG58=1000 Volts rms min.
  • RG142, 400: 1000 Volts rms min.
  • Straight connector :1.3 max @ 6 GHz
  • R/A connector:1.5 max @ 6GHz


Mechanical Data Detail
Force to engage The torque required to engage and disengage shall not exceed 2 inch-lbs
Mating 1/4-36 threaded coupling
Coupling nut retention force 60 pounds min(for plug connectors only)
Coupling proof torque 15 inch-pounds min.
Connector durablity 500 matings
Cable retention force
  • RG178=7.3 lbs min.
  • RG174=9.7 lbs min.
  • RG316=12.1 lbs min.
  • RG58= 28.7 lbs min.
  • RG142, 400: 57.7 lbs min.





Contact probe pin



Contact probe pin


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