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The TNC (threaded Neill–Concelman) connector is a threaded version of the BNC connector. The connector has a 50 Ω impedance and operates best in the 0–11 GHz frequency spectrum. It has better performance than the BNC connector at microwave frequencies. Invented in the late 1950s and named after Paul Neill of Bell Labs and Carl Concelman of Amphenol, the TNC connector has been employed in a wide range of radio and wired applications.



Electrical Data Detail
Impedance 50 ohms
Frequency range 0 to 11 GHz
Working Voltage
  • RG178=170Vrms at sea level max.
  • RG58=335 Vrms at sea level max.
  • RG174,316=250Vrms at sea level max.
Dielectric withstanding voltage
  • RG178=500 Volts rms min.
  • RG174,316=750 Volts rms min.
  • RG58=1000 Volts rms min
  • Straight connector :1.30 max.
  • R/A connector: 1.5 max.


Mechanical Data Detail
Force to engage The torque required to engage and disengage shall not exceed 6 inch-lbs
Mating 7/16-28 threaded coupling
Coupling nut retention force 101.2 lbs min.
Connector durablity 500 matings
Cable retention force
  • RG178=7.3 lbs min.
  • RG174=9.7 lbs min.
  • RG316=12.1 lbs min.
  • RG58= 28.7 lbs min


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